Customer Expectations In An E-commerce World

Michael KeatingGeneral BusinessLeave a Comment

Customer Experience

The world was altered forever when Amazon flipped their on switch and pushed their site live in 1995. This was the birth of e-commerce. Actually, there was a transaction that occurred on April 27th in 1995 by Paul Stanfield for a book from CompuServe that was the first “official” transaction. However, most people probably attribute the birth of e-commerce to … Read More

Difference Between A Boss And A Leader Explained

Michael KeatingGeneral BusinessLeave a Comment

Difference between a boss and a leader

Early in my professional marketing career, I had no idea what the difference between a boss and a leader entailed. In fact, I don’t even think I put those two words into the same logical combination of thoughts. The truth is that it didn’t matter. What mattered most was the excitement of an idea and the adrenaline mind rush of … Read More