Linkedin Marketing: Let’s All Like Each Others Facebook Pages!

Michael KeatingSocial Media3 Comments

Linkedin Marketing

Okay if you are an avid user of Linkedin you know it is an amazing tool to help promote yourself professionally. Hell, if you are savvy or listened to my advice on landing a job interview, then you know it can even potentially get you a job. If you are really involved with Linkedin, you spend time in groups to learn and connect with like minded people. But do you actually really learn a damn thing in any group for which you are involved? I’m going to be straight and say I don’t think I’ve learned anything from a Linkedin group except that they generally leave me feeling cluttered with irrelevant, self promoting, and annoying discussions. This leads me to my biggest Linkedin Marketing pet peeve of them all…the infamous “Hey! Let’s all post each others Facebook Fan Pages which is then followed by some iteration of “and “like” them so we all get more fans.” Yay! This is such a great idea it makes me want to watch a Golden Girls marathon on a Saturday night. Not so much! You want to know why this kind of post pisses me off? I will give you three reasons outlined below:

1. It is hands down the most “liked” and commented discussion started in every group.

Really there isn’t more relevant content to be discussed?! How about talking about a topic that relates to the purpose of the group. For example, if it is a group focused on the Aerospace industry, why not talk about an interview with a top executive? Or pick people’s brains about their thoughts on the biggest problems in the industry or where the industry will be in 5 years. All of these discussions would provide more value to your group. Would they be more “liked” or commented on? Sadly, probably not.

2. This doesn’t actually bring you leads, increase sales, or deliver a better ROI.

When will people stop thinking that the more “likes” you have the more your business will grow. Wohoo! This is the single most idiotic idea I’ve heard countless people preach. Let me pose you with a question, why do you want to have a bunch of people that are frankly in the same industry “like” your page? Or worse off, a bunch of people who have a product that is in no way what so ever related to your product/service. This will provide your business with no benefit except a few more a pretty little thumbs.

3. It is like the reciprocal link strategies that were squashed by Google.

Want to know the difference between this strategy and the whole “like” my Facebook Fan Pages and I will “like” yours strategy? Reciprocal links actually worked. Did they work for a long time? Not really, but at least they worked. You get absolutely no SEO benefit or increase in your Page Rank within Google search. Hell, I don’t even think you get any more visibility in Facebook search (which is terrible by the way) by performing this tactic.

So to all you people out there who keep posting this pat my back i will pat yours Facebook Fan Page strategy on Linkedin, please STOP.

If you actually want to build a better Social Media strategy and see an increased ROI listen to these three points of advice:

  • Build a target audience relevant to your product/service
  • Push content that is entertaining and interesting to your audience
  • Engage, Engage, Engage

I hope everyone found value in this and if I am wrong, please put your head in a toilet and flush. No I’m kidding. I would love to hear some valid reasons and examples to prove me wrong! Pet Peeve out!

About the Author

Michael Keating

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Mike is a prolific digital marketing strategist, entrepreneur and SEO specialist who understands how to drive results using integrated digital strategies. He is one of the founders of Octatools and is excited about the opportunity to help DIY SEOs and business owners get results online.

3 Comments on “Linkedin Marketing: Let’s All Like Each Others Facebook Pages!”

  1. Thanks so much for commenting and agreeing with me 🙂 I’ve been doing social media marketing for a long time and it kills me to see small businesses and other people who have never marketed before just dive in. Whether it is online or offline marketing, the same underlying principles apply and should be carried out. I really wish more people had your attitude of focusing on engagement with your target market. I mean that is the point of marketing anyway isn’t it? One day once the social media bubble busts people will realize how to use these tools effectively instead of buzzing around like bees trapped in a jar.

  2. Hi Michael

    Great article, but I have to disagree ever so slightly 😉

    I add my details to these posts when they are geographical as opposed to subject based. For instance, I like and get likes from people near me, but not people that I would be in competition with. The 2 examples I can think of is Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce LinkedIn Group – these are exactly the people and businesses I want to target. Local to me, not competing with me.

    Another LinkedIn group that this worked for is Edinburgh Communications and Media group. This group has plenty of my competition, but there are still loads of people who are in similar industry and need our services. We are primarily a digital printer, so say anyone from a PR Company or Design Agency would be handy to have as a contact via Facebook/Twitter.

    It’s about getting good contacts, not just any contact. That’s why I only connect on LinkedIn with people I have either, met, emailed or talked to. Looking forward to your thoughts!
    ps: @syntaxdigital

    1. Hi Dave,

      Thanks so much for your comments and your input into my rant 🙂 I agree with your strategy of geographic location as that is what marketing is all about. As, for your strategy with partnering with PR and design agencies is excellent. That is currently what I am working on now since I work for a web development and internet marketing company. If you would like to connect on Linkedin I would welcome the request. You can find me here:

      Once again thanks for the thoughts!

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