When becoming an entrepreneur, you need to be resourceful, resilient, and always seek the best Online marketing tips you can find. As such, there comes a time in every entrepreneurs exciting life when you have this amazing idea that is going to change the world. You are stoked because you have 10 friends that are going to help you make … Read More
How to Use Linkedin- The Basics
Every Wednesday at my amazing job with eReach Consulting, someone within our company is to do a “Knowledge Share”. This “Knowledge Share” is exactly how it sounds, someone is to share a sliver of knowledge they possess with other members of the team. Being that everyone has a different background and brings something unique to the table, the topics are … Read More
Entrepreneur Lesson: Good Enough is Good Enough
As an entrepreneur you get consumed by perfection and your idea. Not so much for services, but for products (websites, software, etc.) you have a vision in your mind that can’t be wiped clean. You don’t want to go to market till you hit this perfection stage. But the question I ask is “does it really exist”? I’m going to … Read More