Landing Page Flaw #1- A Weak Call-to-Action

Michael KeatingGraphics + Media, Paid Advertising2 Comments

Weak Call To Action

Nothing is more critical in your website or landing page then your call-to-action. What is a call-to-action? A call-to-action is basically the action you would like your website visitor to take when they land on your website or landing page. It could be such prompts as “sign up now”, “download”, etc. If you are driving qualified traffic to your website, … Read More

Difference Between Pay Per Click (PPC) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Michael KeatingPaid Advertising, Search Engine Optimization3 Comments

pay per click advertising

The title of this article, Difference Between Pay Per Click (PPC) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), may seem like a stupid question for some people.  However, I guarantee 90% of people don’t know the correct answer.  Even further more, I bet most people think they are exactly the same.  I have a hint which may take you back to your … Read More