Over here at Octatools we have been hard at work making changes to the functionality of our premium SEO tool, as well improving the user experience for premium users. Some changes are easily noticed while others are behind the scenes. All that matters is we’ve been working hard to give you a more reliable tool that is affordable and makes … Read More
How To Socially Stalk Someone For Marketing
You probably read the title and you felt your skin crawl, just a little. The word “stalk” typically has a negative connotation and usually, the entire incident doesn’t end well for either party. Even in the case of a vegetable, the stalk is generally the least desirable part, as any mostly-eaten veggie tray will reveal. So why would you want … Read More
Benefits of Email Marketing for Real Estate Professionals [Infographic]
Email marketing has been a prominent form of business communication for years since email hit the main stream. That’s why companies like ours have developed tools to help you scrape email addresses. Email marketing is both powerful and effective for delivering your message to prospective clients. Some industries are able to really capitalize on email marketing much more then others. … Read More